Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Waiting until the last possible moment....

OK, I still can't update you on the other thing from yesterday but I can show you what I've been feverishly working on today...

My class for TONIGHT, yes tonight!  Copic Collection class with Copic Markers using the Air Brush System at the Scrapbook Cupboard.  Here are the samples I made for class...
The card on the left will be the background for a stampscape image.  I made several of these to demonstrate how it's done.  The card on the right uses a Dream Weaver stencil.  The entire coloring of the image is done with the airbrush system!
And then the little mouse in the middle, he's colored in with Copic's and then we use a mask to airbrush the background. 
I finished typing up all the directions (you get complete directions WITH photos in each of the Copic Collection classes!)  And all directions are printed, now to collate and get dressed into some proper work clothes.  Only an hour to get dinner done and eaten before I must leave for work.
Phew.  I vow not to leave anything until the last minute again!  (...for today, anyway!)

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