Well my pocketbook is $335 lighter but the blood work on Putput was done. I'll hear tomorrow what it all means. He seems in great spirits today and this could turn out to be nothing, a blip on the story of his life. Time will tell. I have to mention here... every time I have ever brought Putput to the vet, the people at the counter and the vets have ALL laughed or snickered over his name. Sometimes they even call him Putt putt - as in the mini golf game. I've had a cat named Putput nearly every day of my life. It started years before I was born with my Father. He named a cat Putput and then it stuck. The only pre-requisite is that the cat be all black. No tan tabby Putput's, only black ones. I thought I should mention that. Especially if you read it yesterday and was wondering if I spelled it wrong. Nope. Just as if you were to "Put" something on the counter, that's his name - twice. We also call his Putty - as in the yellow birds words, "I thought I saw a Putty cat!"
My Mom came over for a visit today and we brought the boys out bike riding again. We're no closer to taking off those training wheels but at least they are trying...

Oh, one more thing... THANK YOU! to everyone who commented yesterday about Putty or who emailed me. I really appreciate it and will keep you guys informed!
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