No art for me today. As much as I wanted to, I'm mentally in a fog. I spent last night either up or sleeping on the couch. I'm trying to spend some more time with my old man. That is, my cat, Putput. He is off to the vet tomorrow and I'm worried. Very worried. He's 13 and I've had him since he was 3 months old. He's grown very skinny but lately I've noticed that his tummy appears to be distended and he's not grooming himself very well. So tomorrow at 9:45 AM I find out what we can do to make the twilight moments of this old man better.

The kids went to camp again today. They love it. Caleb made a clay volcano in his Rock Hounds class and then came home and showed his brother how to make one. Bryce is in Computer Club at that time. After Bryce made his they both wanted some baking soda, red food coloring and vinegar. They were having so much fun with it. They worked on those volcanoes for about an hour.

And amazingly the clean up wasn't too bad. They kept most of the mess in the plates!
Hey you
I'm sorry to hear about your "old man." Is there something I can do for you?
Hope Putput is doing okay after the visit to the vet. Please keep us informed, he's the only one who can keep the peace between Hera and Isis.
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