Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where have I been??

So I get this email this afternoon...

Subject: WTF
Message: Ok, don't take this too personally but - When the heck are you going to get off your patooty and blog, I need something to read at work. HEHEHEHE!

After reading this email, I laughed and laughed and realized I might actually have something to blog about.

Like maybe something about the weekend I went away with Fran, Mimi, Traci and Kerriann? It was fun, fun! Fun! But I got next to nothing done. I've been seriously thinking about something regarding this. I've mentioned it to a few people but I haven't done anything about it yet. It's on my list. See, when I go to scrapbook crops, I get inundated with people asking me about what I'm doing. I'm like a spectacle. People ask me questions, watch me work and they touch my stuff. - which isn't always a wise thing to do when there might be a melting pot or a soldering iron on. So, I might do something about this. Barring putting a large fence around myself when I go to scrapbooking crops, I've been thinking about putting together a Papercrafters Retreat. Of course I need a nifty name but it's still early. What I really need is a weekend away where people can scrapbook, stamp, mod podge, metal emboss, solder, melt UTEE and any other altered art that they want without people being too nosey. Of course you'll always get those scrapbookers who haven't a clue what the lady across the hall is doing with the melting pot but this event would be listed so that the scrapbooker would know that altered artists would be at this event as well. Everyone together to do what they want to do. There isn't anything in stone on this yet, still in the planning stages but... if you have any input on this type of weekend retreat (price, food, lodging, area, what your expectations are, what you'll need, etc...) send me an email or leave a comment. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Now what else have I been up to. Last Monday I had a nasty bought with food poisoning. I didn't feel completely myself again until Friday. Which was good because last Friday was the start of the Sue Gilman trade show here in the New England area. Friday night I took this fabulous class with Claudine Hellmuth. It was all about her StickyBacked Canvas and Studio Paints. I've used these before and I've loved them, I still love them. Whenever I use them I feel like a real artist. They are creamy and rich. Just yummy! Here's the project I completed...

I'm going to slightly revamp this and offer it as a class at the Scrapbook Cupboard on Friday, May 15th. There are about 14 different techniques on this canvas. Crazy, huh!

On Saturday, I took two classes (yes TWO!) with Mr. Tim Holtz. One I will definitely be repeating at the Scrapbook Cupboard. This was a fabulous class. ..

I got to play with the newest Lights and Brights Alcohol Inks as well as the new Alcohol Ink Pen by Ranger. We played with some canned air, some metal foil and lots of different alcohol ink techniques. This class will be offered at the Scrapbook Cupboard on Thursday, May 28th.

I also did a class using the new Memory Capsules. I'm not crazy over them. They have a place, they are fabulous for what they are. They just aren't for me. I'm not loving them. I'm just not someone who likes to make something bulky and then cover it over with a piece of plastic. If I make something bulky, I want to be able to touch it. So, Memory Capsules aren't for me. As a matter of fact, I didn't even take a picture of them before I handed them over to Bev. Oops.

Also another class I took on Saturday was with Hambly Studios. It was a transparency book. Nothing new, a book that you can see through the pages. Cute but not something I will be reteaching.

BUT!! On Saturday night we did the Make and Take Frenzy. And what I did there was show stopping. When I visited Mr. Holtz at the Ranger Make and Take I did This...

You know you love it. I do too. It was easy and it's just stunning. This is also going to be a class. Two as a matter of fact. I'm betting there will be that many people interested in this. Both classes will be on Saturday, May 9th at the Scrapbook Cupboard. Just in time for Mother's Day!!

On Sunday, I helped Bev, the owner of the Scrapbook Cupboard, at the the vendor fair. She bought a ton of fabulous new goodies! Be sure to check the Scrapbook Cupboard's New Products section for when some of these new goodies will be in.

I saw a bunch of old friends and made a bunch of new friends at this years Gilman show. Overall the weekend went fabulously!

So, what's coming up? Tonight I'm teaching a Silhouette 102 class. I had to postpone last weeks because of the food poisoning. This Friday is the Metal Fairy class. There's still some room if anyone is interested. And next week, another Silhouette 102 class and then the Spring Kandi class....

All 4 of these classes are offered at the Scrapbook Cupboard. Call today to sign up! (508)378-0008.

So, I hope I've sated those of you who are working and need something to read. Right now, I'm off to start some tacos and make dinner for the family before I'm off to work myself!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating your blog. It's always nice to see and hear what you have been up to lately.

DanaB said...

Hey Kim
Glad you're feeling better. Food poisening is not too much fun!
Love the projects you've done. Very fun! Can't wait for the classes!

Lynne Forsythe said...

About that weekend...I hear what you are saying...I'M IN!!! Keep me in the loop of that one!!!

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