Today I slept in late, hubby was home. Then about Noon we headed off to the theaters where we saw the 1:15pM viewing of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Not too many scenes made me cringe to bring a 6 and 8 year old. (Although my 8 year has become wiser lately and I must watch what he watches.)
I must say that this was one of the longest movies I have been to in a while. We weren't out of the theater until about 3:50PM. Of course Caleb and Patrick loved it and Bryce, well.... he wasn't too thrilled all the time.
It was a typical good versus evil battle with some romance and action built into the plot. I think I'd have to see it again to totally get everything that was going on. And of course, in kid fashion... Caleb needed to pee at the end, right in the middle of the big action scene. Of course. But I sent Daddy to go with him. :-)
It's not my favorite Transformer movie but it's always fun to see stuff you watched as a kid on the big screen. Speaking of shows I watched as a kid, we saw a preview for G.I. Joe. Yah, I thought it was a remake on RoboCop, everyone was all done up in this Robot like gear. Oops. That's a definite skip in my book. I might not even watch that when it gets to the Red Box. How come no one will bring back He-Man and She-Ra. I used to love those shows!
Well that was our movie event for the weekend... I'd say for the month but I'm positive I won't get out of bringing those kids to see the next Harry Potter when it comes out next week. I'm off to read my book. I finished the last book in the Twilight Series this weekend. I really wish it wasn't for Young Adults. It has a great story and I love the characters. I just wish they'd BITE!
OMG! I thought I was the only girl who watched He-Man and She-Ra.
"By the POWER of GreySkull..."
you are not!
How about the Thundercats....HOOOOO!!!!
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