Well, if you have kids you know... this project took me ALL day! All day. And, to boot, I accidentally chose the wrong brown for the ground and ended up saying... Ah, never mind, I'm not doing this again!
I started this little girl at about 11 this morning and I just finished her at 9PM. If it's not one thing it's another with the kids. Hubby had to work today so again, it was just me here with the kids all day. And if you thought it didn't rain, you'd be wrong. On our way out of the grocery store, we were tinkled on. So, yet another day with rain. Sparse amount, but still... rain.
To top things off, all day I've been suffering with stomach aches. I ate some and feel a little better but my back is now killing me. I think that the Z Pak meds I'm taking is doing a toll on me. Only two more doses and hopefully I'll be all better.
Anyhow, about the picture above... She was colored in using the exact same colors in the exact same areas. The girl on the left is Ninah paper and the girl on the right is the Ranger Glossy. I can notice a difference in colors here at home but on the screen, it may be more subtle. I think the hat and the dark brown (obviously just rototilled) dirt definitely look different.
I also did a little sample on some shrink plastic, coloring in some white shrink plastic with a dark color and a light color to see the color comparisons. I colored before and after and the colors are different. Which in my mind is a no brain er but sometimes we just don't think of that when we are using our shrink plastic.
So I'll use a similar comparison as above with the shrink plastic, some vellum, transparency, glossy card stock, metal and photos to make up this month's Copic Collection Class. Lots to go over in class this month!
Tomorrow I'm off to celebrate the 4th. I'm up early to make some Buffalo Chicken Wings and cut up veggies for a dip. It should be a great time.... IF my back feels better.
Happy 4th of July to all those Americans out there!
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