Once I woke from my stupor and felt better, I knew I needed to get into high gear! My online Advanced Stenciling class with My Creative Classroom opens next Monday! Yikes! I had barely started creating any of the videos, PDF handouts or Presentations!
I set myself to task this week and just a few moments ago finished up the last presentation for the third week of class. I'm what you might call a last-minute-Nelly and sometimes, I'm putting the finishing touches on these things the night before the class opens. But! I have made an improvement. The first week of class isn't until next Monday and all is completed! Now to wait until Monday! Here are a few screen shots from my class...
There's always lots of information in my classes and the best part is, you'll have step by step hand outs for each of the techniques!
Now that I have that class off my plate, I'm on to some in person classes I need to worry about. Those will be tackled tomorrow and Friday. My plan is to have all my classes, directions and everything work related DONE by Monday. See, next Thursday we are headed out for an 8 day vacation to DISNEY!!! Yup! I cannot wait. This will be out first major family vacation ever! The last family vacation was to Maine (only a few hours away!) and the last vacation hubby and I went to that didn't require driving was a cruise to Bermuda 8 years ago! So, we are long overdue. This is going to be a fabulous trip. My Brother, his family and a family friend and his family are all going down too. Not the same dates but we will share some time together there. We're even going to celebrate my youngests 8th birthday there! I'm too excited. BUT! First, I must finish my work....
My goodness Kim, you have been busy! Hope all goes well with your classes and your trip.
Kim you are a busy girl, I'm sorry you ended up with Strep throat that's a pain. Your classes look like they are a lot of fun. Have a great time at Disney World.
The "last-minute-Nelly" comment rings close to home for me, though I have to say sometimes our best work is done at the last minute. Hope you've recovered from the Strep throat and that the Disney vacation is the best ever!
Have a great time in Disney. I am really looking forward to "popping in" on your online class!
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