Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Reflection...

Look at those happy faces! Santa was super good to these little boys! And we haven't stopped playing with that Wii ever since! My arms are sore, my legs are sore and I think I might have a little bit of a cold coming but I couldn't be happier. Patrick's off from work this week, we've got three parties this week and a whole bunch of household projects but we're together and we're happy. And that's all that matters.

Every year the Holiday's are stressful and full of way-too-much-to-do-and-not-enough-time-to-do-it stuff until that day. Then it's here and it's joyful and finally peaceful. OK, OK, it's not all joyful and peaceful but it's the Holiday's and it's supposed to be full of family chaos. That's what makes it so joyful and the love you feel from the family, well, I hope that brings all of you some peace. To know your family is safe and healthy. Or even if your family isn't safe or isn't healthy, it's truly a time of reflection of what you have and what you can strive for in the future.

Which brings me to my next thoughts... 2009 goals. Most years I sit and write down my goals for the following year. I haven't completed the list but I have already put some things in motion that will push me in the right direction. For instance, one of the items on my 'goals' list was to get a blog award. I know, I know, this isn't something I can just ask for or something that I can obtain myself but it's something that I want. I've had my blog now since July and I was hoping that sometime within 2009, I would be nominated for some type of blog award. Corny? Yah, maybe but hey, these are my goals! Imagine my surprise when I opened my email on the 27th and found I had been given a blog award!!! WOW!! Already my goals are coming to fruition! I hope some of the others come this quickly (say, like those 10 pounds I need to loose before my Sister's wedding - yah the dress just need 10 little less pounds in it. ugh!).

So, I'm thrilled to tell you that the lovely Sharon House has nominated me for the Marie Antionette Real Person Award! Wow! I'm super honored.

As with any blog award, it comes with a price. Here are the rules for this award . . .

1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs.
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.

So here goes...

I nominate, my good friend Bernadette. While she wishes she blogged more, the quality of her blog posts are most important. She's got some fabulous photography on there!

I nominate, Sherry Goodloe. She's got a fabulous blog give-away right now. Check her out, her art rocks! - OH, yah and she lives in the most artistic place on Earth, always got some art show around or near her!

I nominate, Lynne Forsythe. A true nut but a very creative nut! Lynne can change anything and everything with just a little ink!

I nominate, Cheryl and Megan Darrow. OK, these ladies just KNOW how to keep it real! They are an inspiration to all. - And don't forget to check out their videos, this week looks to be a funny one!

I nominate, Janice Reynolds. Every day she creates a new ATC for us to look at and enjoy. She's a fabulous artist!

I nominate Suze Weinberg, since starting her blog in July I've been hooked. Reading every entry on melt art, UTEE, beeswax, the need to spay or neuter your pet and most recently a "Chanukah Sermon".

And Lastly, I nominate Calv, because real men play with stamps and ink! If you haven't already, you've got to check out his blog. He's been inking fruit for some time. It's fun to see what they look like.

And to all those other people out there I didn't nominate, many of you deserve it too. Thank you to all of you out there in blogland who inspire each of us every day. I hope that 2009 is a wonderful year for everyone!!


Bernadette Deleon-Rees said...


It's a honor just to be nominated! I do wish I could blog more - definitely tonight after work in between shopping for New Years (which I just may leave for Adam), cooking dinner, ordering pictures from Walmart and working simulataneously on 2 calendars that better get done before Wednesday.

I love you girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kim on your award! You deserve it, I love your blog updates and I just put a link onto my blog. Come visit me anytime! Thanks also for listing all the great blogs you nominated, I've already checked out the fruit man!! Happy New Year! Julie

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim

Congratulations on your award. Love your blog It really makes my day.
Keep up the good work and here is to a wonderful New Year filled with creativity, friendship and love!
Love ya lots

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