I've been busy the past few days. And kinda moody. ...Not enough sleep, I've been up late reading Stolen by Kelley Armstrong. I know I should go to bed before 1AM on a school night but the book is just what I was looking for and it's only quiet here late. I've been walking everyday and while walking, I've been listening to music and then when working in my studio, I've been listening to The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. It's a good story too, written for Young Adults. I'm almost done with that book and then I'll start on Eclipse and hmm... I don't know. Maybe the new Demon series I saw that Jennifer McGuire is reading.
Anyhow, I promised some photos today of what I've been working on. Here they are...

I promised a while ago that I would share the gargoyle. Well Caleb was sitting at my desk yesterday and noticed the heart shaped mold and pour that was there, waiting for me to do a test run on my Sister's wedding centerpieces. He asked what it was for and when I mentioned told him it was used with the melting pot, he asked if he could see. So, today after school, I pulled it out and poured a heart. He wasn't happy with the heart, didn't I have something else? Something "cool"? Well, of course I do! I have a gargoyle! So I created one for him and one for me. Bryce requested the Fleur de Lis (of course he did!). Here are Caleb and my Gargoyle's hanging out by my haunted house...

I told you they were cool!
I have a few cute stories and pictures to share... When Caleb was sitting at my desk yesterday he was playing with my trimmer. I don't care, as long as he didn't cut what I was working on. He didn't. When I went to start working again last night, I found that he had been stamping! Now, this is something Caleb never does. He used to draw ( I wish he would some more...) but now he's in between. He's not quite sure what he wants to do. Although, now that I think of it, I should take a photo of the piece of art he brought home yesterday. I'll take one tomorrow of him holding it! Anyhow, so I went to sit back down at my work station and this is what I see...

Bryce has absolutely loved school since day 1. But he's grown a lot lately as well. He rides his scooter or bike every morning to the bus stop (ok, it's the end of my driveway... but I live on a busy street so back and forth on the driveway is fine with me!). But bubbles are his latest obsession. The weather might be getting cooler but bubbles are still flowing...

OK! Well, I'm off to read some more and maybe catch a little of the Red Sox, they just scored and tied the game, 7-7 in the bottom of the 8th! I wonder how many innings they will play tonight? I'm betting 12. We'll find out...
Hey my sleepy friend:
Love the rolodex cards - they came out nice! I'll have to check out the collage link - I do love collage pages.
I'm happy your kids are doing well in school - they are adorable.
Love your fuzzy kid - she's pretty!
Your Red Sox pulled it out! If only my Patriots could do the same.
Enjoy your day
Ok, I'm curious . . . your gorgoyles look 3-D to me. Did you use a 2-part mold??? What material did you melt in the UTEE melting pot and/or what colors did you mix with clear UTEE (???)to get that brown? Inquiring minds want to know.
I LOVE those gargoyles!!!!
Thanks Sherry!
My gargoyles are 3D. I used 1 1/2 packages of mold and pour on a statuette gargoyle that I believe belongs to Suze Weinberg (she was in my area last December). I only covered the front of the statuette and the back is open thus creating a flat back when you pour in the UTEE. I used the Metling Pot and for the brown color, I used some left over UTEE that I had lying around, I believe there was some blue (clear and white UTEE mixed with Blue to Dye For), a little red (clear UTEE mixed with Red To Dye For), some platinum, a left over piece of what looked like black and tiger lily mixed together. When I create, I save all my left over piece and then use then for things like this. You never know what you're going to get!
Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm glad you like the gargoyles!
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